About Us

Maple Primary Care Network (Maple PCN) is an innovative and patient-centred NHS organisation located in the heart of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. With a strong commitment to providing comprehensive healthcare services to our local community, Maple PCN is proud to deliver a wide range of services through three member practices, catering to a combined patient population of over 42,500.

At Maple PCN, we believe in fostering a holistic approach to healthcare, recognising that physical, mental, and social well-being are interconnected. Our services go beyond traditional medical treatments, as we embrace the principles of social prescribing to empower patients to achieve optimal health and quality of life. Through our dedicated team of healthcare professionals and community partners, we connect patients with non-clinical interventions, such as recreational activities, support groups, and other community resources, that complement medical treatments and aid in the management of chronic conditions.

One of our core services is first contact physiotherapy, where we focus on providing evidence-based treatments to help patients recover from injuries, manage pain, and improve mobility. Our skilled and compassionate physiotherapists work closely with patients, agreeing treatment plans to individual needs, ensuring that they receive the best possible follow-up care to regain functionality and resume their daily activities.

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, Maple PCN is always exploring opportunities to expand and enhance our service offerings. We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of healthcare innovation, leveraging the latest technology and best practices to better serve our community. 

Benefits to Patients

1. Enhanced Access to Services:

By collaborating with our local GP Federation Maple PCN is able to offer evening appointments between 6.30pm to 8pm, Monday to Friday, with our remote based Pharmacists.  These appointments provide patients with more flexible access for medication reviews, Asthma checks and Blood Pressure monitoring.

2. Improved Care Coordination:

Maple PCN fosters better communication and coordination among healthcare providers, resulting in more seamless care transitions for patients. The integration of services ensures that medical professionals are well-informed about each patient’s health status and ongoing treatments, reducing the risk of duplications. Our care coordinators can be contacted via email: bobicb-bucks.maplesocialprescribers@nhs.net.

3. Focus on Prevention and Well-being: With social prescribing, Maple PCN emphasises preventive healthcare and the promotion of overall well-being. By addressing social determinants of health and empowering patients to take an active role in their health, the network can reduce the burden of chronic illnesses and improve population health outcomes.

4. Holistic Approach to Healthcare: Maple PCN’s emphasis on holistic care recognises that health extends beyond medical interventions. By incorporating social, mental, and physical well-being into treatment plans, the network can address the root causes of health issues, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

5. Community Engagement: Primary Care Networks actively engage with the local community and work in partnership with voluntary organisations, local authorities, and other stakeholders. This collaboration fosters a stronger sense of community and ensures that healthcare services align with the specific needs and priorities of the Aylesbury population.

In conclusion, Maple Primary Care Network is dedicated to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire’s residents. By providing an array of services, including social prescribing and physiotherapy, we aim to create a healthier community where individuals are supported in their journey towards better health. We firmly believe that by working together, we can drive meaningful change and continuously improve the delivery of healthcare to our diverse and vibrant population.

Our Team

Dr Kavitha Mallya, PCN Accountable Clinical Director

Kavitha Mallya

PCN Accountable Clinical Director

Twinkle Patel PCN Pharmacy Technician

Twinkle Patel

PCN Pharmacy Technician

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Take a look at some of the services Maple PCN has to offer…